Yaa nabi salaam ‘alayka /Yaa rasuul salaam ‘alayka
Yaa habiib salaam ‘alayka/shalawaatullaah ‘alayka
Asyraqal kawnub tihaajaa/bi wujuudil mushthafahmad
Wa li-ahlil kawni unsun/wa suruurun qad tajaddad
Fathrabuu yaa ahlal masyaanii/fa hazaarul yumni gharrad
Wastadhii-uu bi jamaalin/faaqa fil husni tafarrad
Wa lanal busyraa bisa’din/mustamirrin laysa yanfad
Haytsu uutiinaa ‘atha’an/jama’al fakhral mu-abbad
Falirabbii kullu hamdin/jalla an yahshura hul ‘ad
Idz habaanaa bi wujuudi/al musthafal haadii muhammad
Qasida Burda Translation:
Mawla ya salli wa sallim daa'iman, abadann
'Ala habeebika khayri khalqi kullihimi.
O Mawla (Protector, speaking to Allah), send prayers and peace always and forever
Upon Your beloved, the best out of all of Creation.
Muhammadun sayyidul kawnayni wath-thaqalayn,
Wal fareeqayni min 'urbiw-wa min 'ajami.
Muhammad is the Sayyid (Master) of the two worlds and the two groups (men and jinn),
And the Guide of both the Arabs and the non-Arabs.
Nabiyyunal amirun-nahi fala ahadun,
Abarra fi qawli la minhu wa la na'ami.
He is our Prophet, commanding the right and forbidding the wrong, and there is none,
More true in word, saying "Yes" (meaning this is permitted) or "No" (meaning this is haram).
Huwal habeebul-ladhee turja shafaa'atuhu
Li kulli hawlim-minal ahwali muqutahimi.
He is the Habib (beloved) of the One, from whom we have hopes of intercession (shafa)
In (from) all the woes that have descended upon the humans.
Da'a ilallahi fal mustamsi koona bihi
Mustamsi koona bi hablin ghayri munfasimi.
He called us to the path of Allah, and those who cling to him
Have held the rope of Allah so tight, that it would never break.
Faqan nabiyyina fi khalqiw-wa fi khuluqin
Wa lam yudaanuhu fi 'ilmiw-wa la karami.
He surpasses all the Prophets in khalq (creation/external appearance) and in khuluq (characters/internal apprearance)
None could reach his rank in knowledge (ilm) and in generosity (karam).
Famablaghul 'ilmi feehi annahu basharun
Wa annahu khayru khalqillahi kullihimi.
Our utmost knowledge about him says that he is a bashar (human being)
He is the most distinguished and the best, out of all of Creation.
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